Asia News Agency (ANA) is the original and only diplomatic news consultancy in India and South Asia. It has been serving the India based diplomatic community since 1972 through its editorial services. Among its clients are Ambassadors and High Commissioners of almost all embassies and international organisations based in India.

News behind the News (NbN) is a weekly journal published by Asia News Agency. It is structured to suit the needs of the India based diplomatic community. It analyses week after week, key issues and developments talking place in respect of India’s polity, foreign policy, defence and economy.

Special Studies are prepared by Asia News Agency in partnership with Society for Policy Studies (SPS). These are in the nature of in-depth analytical backgrounders / desk reviews on topics of current interest to its clients.


    Talks between Jaishankar and Wang in Moscow reiterated the need to reduce tensions and abide by agreements and suggested the resumption of dialogue at the civil, military and political levels. But relief was short-lived as the individual statements by both sides seemed to undercut the feel good joint statement. The study looks at the trust deficit; key border agreements; an elusive peace because of differing LAC perceptions; the military build-up; a probable face saving solution and whether India is making a mistake relying on diplomacy alone.

    Situation assessment as on 21 September (1,785 words)
    Price: Rs 800 
    Date of SS: 21 September

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