‘Made in Bangladesh’ cars on the way
With just a year or so to go for golden jubilee celebrations of independence, Bangladesh is on its way to marking an epoch in history by manufacturing its own brand of automobiles with assistance from Japan

With just a year or so to go for golden jubilee celebrations of independence, Bangladesh is on its way to marking an epoch in history by manufacturing its own brand of automobiles with assistance from Japan. State-run Pragati Industries is set to accomplish the feat in close cooperation with Japanese automotive giant Mitsubishi Corporation.
The government aims to kick off plans by finalising within a short time a 2020 Automobile Industry Development Policy, the draft of which has already been shared with stakeholders seeking their opinion.
The objectives were announced by Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun during a meeting with Ito Naoki, Japanese ambassador to Bangladesh, at the ministry yesterday.
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