Bhutan considers surcharge on fossil fuels, hiking vehicle registration fee and mineral royalty to meet revenue deficit
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the government coffers taking a major revenue hit. Under the current economic circumstances, the Ministry of Finance has calculated that of the projected Nu 33.2 bn domestic revenue in 2020-21 Financial year it will meet only 30.4 bn which is a Nu 2.8 bn internal revenue shortage

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the government coffers taking a major revenue hit. Under the current economic circumstances, the Ministry of Finance has calculated that of the projected Nu 33.2 bn domestic revenue in 2020-21 Financial year it will meet only 30.4 bn which is a Nu 2.8 bn internal revenue shortage.
In the worse case scenario of repeated national lockdowns the revenue collection could come down to Nu 28.8 bn which is a gap of Nu 4.4 bn.
The government is looking at various ways to bring about economic recovery, but at the same time it is also looking at certain taxation measures to meet the revenue deficit.
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