Biodiversity monitoring protocol to integrate conservation activities
Now with the biodiversity monitoring and social survey protocol in place, conservation activities in Bhutan are expected to be more integrated with systematic, coordinated, and consolidated biodiversity data

Now with the biodiversity monitoring and social survey protocol in place, conservation activities in Bhutan are expected to be more integrated with systematic, coordinated, and consolidated biodiversity data.
The monitoring protocol outlines tools and methods to gather important information about plant and animal species such as diversity, habitat, threats, and distribution patterns, among others.
It is also expected to set a standard tool to monitor biodiversity and assess the socioeconomic status of people who depend on biodiversity for their livelihoods.
The manual outlines the monitoring protocol for six broad taxa—mammals, birds, insects, aquatic biodiversity, herpetofauna, and plants. Until now, research and surveys were limited to taxonomic groups such as mammals, birds, and plants, leaving out other taxa like mollusks.
Senior forestry official with the nature conservation division, Letro, said that currently the conservation and biodiversity surveys were carried out in silos. However, with the monitoring protocol, all types of biodiversity in the parks and territorial forest divisions would be inclusive, he added.
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