Indo-Bangla river trade opens up huge opportunities
If you happen to be on the Padma or Meghna rivers for a cruise or are travelling to the country's southern part, you will in no way miss a sporadic presence of numerous slow-moving small and large vessels alongside their sudden blasts of horns

If you happen to be on the Padma or Meghna rivers for a cruise or are travelling to the country's southern part, you will in no way miss a sporadic presence of numerous slow-moving small and large vessels alongside their sudden blasts of horns.
Most are engaged in transporting cargo from one part of the country to another. But sure to be among them are some going beyond the border ferrying goods between Bangladesh and India.
And the frequency of their trips between the two neighbouring nations is increasing gradually; so is the quantity of cargo being hauled.
Plaudits should be given to the increased use of the 4,000 to 6,000 kilometres of waterways by businesses to transport their import cargoes that have opened up opportunities for local cargo vessel operators.
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