Covid catalysed new tech revolution, say experts at Hyderabad conference
While the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted almost every aspect of industry and businesses, it also catalysed the evolution and adaptation of modern technologies, especially in the age of Industry 4.0

While the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted almost every aspect of industry and businesses, it also catalysed the evolution and adaptation of modern technologies, especially in the age of Industry 4.0.
Industry experts and researchers from around the world, who attended a three-day international conference that concluded in Hyderabad Saturday, said that the new age is being revolutionised by emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, 5G communication, self-driving cars and medicine delivery robots.
They noted that while the COVID-19 pandemic has unfortunately disrupted almost everything, it catalysed the process of digitisation and evolution of technology.
The experts, through plenary talks, research papers and special industry track programmes, presented a glimpse of future technologies in the post COVID-19 era.
The conference HYDCON 2020 on the topic 'Engineering in 4th industrial revolution' was organised by the Hyderabad section of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
The biennial event held virtually saw participation by experts from Japan, Australia, Thailand, Taiwan and India.
Japanese Roboticist Toshio Fukuda inaugurated the conference on Thursday.
Technology ranging from solar-powered smart home to using 5G communication technology in devices like autonomous cars and robots, from using biometric systems for vehicle monitoring for passenger safety to using automated systems and thermal imaging to detect breast tumors, to concepts that enhance learning in the differently abled, highlighted ways to make best use of technological advancements in the age of Industry 4.0.
"Technology will be a great enabler in this age, especially to combat the disruptions caused by Covid," said ADeepak Mathur, Director-Elect of IEEE Asia Pacific (2021-2022).
According to the conference convener Mousami Chaurasia, over 1,200 delegates from various parts of India and other countries attended the event.
Lance Fung from Murdoch University, Australia, who delivered a plenary talk on digital transformation and emerging technologies for post COVID-19 era, said while the COVID-19 crisis brought unprecedented disruption to every aspect of businesses, industries, education, healthcare and day-to-day operations, the fourth industrial revolution is being transformed by emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, 5G, Robotics etc.
Another plenary talk was presented by Stefan Mozar of Australia on the silent energy revolution in the connected world.
Conference TPC Chairs Jan Haase from Germany and N Venkatesh said that experts focused on defining technologies in the age of digital transformation triggered by the pandemic.
New age tools and emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, 5G communications, Robotics, and connected systems were pitched as the inevitable ingredients of the technologically evolving world.
While Industry 4.0's main focus is on automating the manufacturing process across different verticals, papers on using such technology for improving healthcare, mobile health systems, cybersecurity, consumer energy, neural networks, and autonomous cars, robots, medical devices, consumer electronics among other things were also presented.
Chair of IEEE Industry Relations Asia Pacific Chris Gwo Giun Lee, Director Akinori Nishihara, Secretary Takako Hashimoto and IEEE India Council Chair S.N. Singh also shared their industry insights.
With Indian origin Deepak Mathur has been elected as the next director of the Asia Pacific region, IEEE Hyderabad expressed confidence that the section will set new milestones and scale exemplary advancements under his leadership.
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