Students in Nepal to be promoted without conducting regular examinations
School students will not need to take the usual examinations this academic year to be promoted to the higher grade

School students will not need to take the usual examinations this academic year to be promoted to the higher grade.
The Curriculum Development Centre has asked the schools and teachers to follow the continuous assessment approach and test the practical knowledge of students, rather than using the traditional examination format. As virtual learning has replaced in-person classroom study due to COVID-19, the centre says there will be changes in the evaluation process as well.
Under continuous assessment, teachers will evaluate the day-to-day performance of students and rate them based on their overall performance in the entire academic year. Under practical assessment, students will be asked what life skills they have learnt. For instance, a student can explain how a particular crop is cultivated or how COVID-19 has affected the economic and social aspects of their family.
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