Permission given to tow the fire-stricken oil tanker away from Sri Lankan waters
The Maritime Rescue Coordinating Centre (MRCC) Colombo has given permission for the fire-stricken crude oil tanker MT New Diamond to be towed to a safe destination away from Sri Lankan waters, the Sri Lanka Navy said

The Maritime Rescue Coordinating Centre (MRCC) Colombo has given permission for the fire-stricken crude oil tanker MT New Diamond to be towed to a safe destination away from Sri Lankan waters, the Sri Lanka Navy said.
The Navy said owners of the tanker have been allowed to tow the vessel away after agreeing to pay the compensation payment and all expenses incurred by the government to douse the fire onboard the tanker last month.
However, the State Counsel Nishara Jayaratne, the Coordinating officer to the Attorney General on Saturday (03) has said that the troubled supertanker is being towed away from Sri Lanka against the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) directive and the Attorney General’s advice regarding pending marine pollution claim, according to a NewsFirst report.
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