Venu Naturopathy


Mohammad Rubel

Mohammad Rubel

About Mohammad Rubel

The writer is a Ph.D. scholar in finance and international trade, Kongju National University, South Korea

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Digital financial products will enhance financial inclusion in Bangladesh

Women in Bangladesh often have limited access to financial services, which can make it difficult for them to cope with climate change impacts such as floods, droughts, or cyclones. Digital financial products such as mobile banking and digital savings accounts can help to overcome these barriers and increase financial inclusion among women.

Bangladesh economy showed resilience during COVID; but prosperity should reach all

By 2025, Bangladesh is forecast to be the 34th largest economy in the world and will continue at second place in South Asia after India, writes Mohammad Rubel for South Asia Monitor

Bangladesh needs to resolve Rohingya crisis with help of regional countries

India is now a non-permanent member of the Security Council from January 2021. Following this, India has expressed interest in holding talks with Bangladesh and Myanmar on safe, dignified, and sustainable repatriation of Rohingya, writes Mohammad Rubel for South Asia Monitor