Venu Naturopathy


Dr. Mohammad Tarikul Islam

Dr. Mohammad Tarikul Islam

About Dr. Mohammad Tarikul Islam

Dr Mohammad Tarikul Islam is an Associate Professor of Government and Politics at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. He held different positions at the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge and SOAS (University of London).

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Bangladesh and Maldives set to deepen ties with Hasina visit

During Hasina's visit, 13 armoured vehicles of the Bangladesh Army will be handed over to the Maldives Defense Department as a symbol of friendship, writes Dr Mohammad Tarikul Islam for South Asia Monitor

A global partnership is needed to combat COVID-19

On April 23, 2020, in a virtual conference ‘Enhancing regional cooperation in South Asia to combat COVID-19 related impact on its economics’ organized by the World Economic Forum, Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina placed five-point proposals to combat this global crisis with collective responsibility and partnership from every society, writes…

Bangladesh's paradox of reopening its garment industry: Time to end dangerous working conditions

Considering the working environment and densely populated area combined with shabby living conditions of the workers, Dhaka and its neighboring districts of about 2.87 million people could be the next hotspot of the coronavirus outbreak, write Dr. Mohammad Rezaul Karim and Dr. Mohammad Tarikul Islam for South Asia Monitor

COVID-19 and the growing vulnerability of overseas Bangladeshis

Due to COVID-19, Bangladeshi  workers abroad are caught jobless, quarantined in shabby living places, mentally disturbed because of their family crisis of getting no money, fear of being affected by the coronavirus aftermath and uncertainties of being back in Bangladesh, write Dr. Mohammad Rezaul Karim and Dr. Mohammad Tarikul Islam for…