Venu Naturopathy


Dimantha Dilan Thenuwara

Dimantha Dilan Thenuwara

About Dimantha Dilan Thenuwara

More From Dimantha Dilan Thenuwara

Tsunami 2004: A survivor's tale of grit, determination and resilience

Discussions with various senior Pakistani diplomats in Colombo as well as Sri Lankan diplomats in Pakistan led to my first visit to Pakistan in September 2023 to participate in the people-centered initiative ‘Enduring Friendship’ events in Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Sri Lanka-Pakistan diplomatic…

A Sri Lanka-Pakistan people-to-people journey: An island man’s mountain quest with a larger cause

Everywhere I went I was greeted with great warmth and hospitality. It is a symbol of the decades-long ‘Enduring Friendship’ between the peoples of Pakistan and Sri Lanka.