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South Asia Monitor (, curated by the Society for Policy Studies, is a New Delhi based independent, non-partisan web journal centered around research and discussion on South Asian issues - from the Indian perspective. 

Highly regarded as a credible resource on South Asia by academics,  political,  strategic and international affairs analysts, as also students and researchers, South Asia Monitor – or SAM – platforms multimedia opinions, analyses and news of importance and relevance to the eight SAARC member nations and the region as a whole of nearly 1.9 billion population, or a quarter of the world population.

South Asia Monitor, run by seasoned Indian editors and strategic affairs analysts, does not have any link with any other website(s) with the same or similar sounding name.

South Asia Monitor does not bear any responsibility for any article, news, opinion, or analysis carried by such website(s) or any editorial or business activity linked to it.

South Asia Monitor cannot and should not be held responsible for any article, news, opinion, analysis, or activity associated with website(s) having the same or similar sounding name.

Thanks and regards,

Sirshendu Panth

Editor, South Asia Monitor (