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South Asia Monitor is a unique online resource and and ideas platform on South Asia, a dynamic region of 1.8 billion people - nearly a quarter of the global population - comprising India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives, Bhutan, and Afghanistan. Run by the non-profit Society for Policy Studies, the portal seeks contributory articles from those specializing or interested in, researching on, looking to engage in issues of relevance or consequence to South Asia with the region's watchers globally, in subjects ranging from politics to foreign policy; defense and security; business and economy.; development and environment; technology and travel; media, culture, literature and sports; besides country, bilateral and regional dynamics.

These articles/ commentaries should be of about 800-1000 words and should be well researched with a cogently argued point of view. We are not supported by government, follow an independent editorial policy and, although based in New Delhi, we like to give equal space to views from other South Asian countries as we would do to views from India, both for and against the establishment on issues of contemporary interest. 

Our goal is to provide an unbiased, balanced and objective platform for debate and discussion on issues about, concerning, or of relevance to South Asia and the larger Indo Pacific and the nations that comprise this geography.  The editors of South Asia Monitor reserve the right to accept or reject any contribution, without assigning any reason. 


1. The web journal welcomes opinions/commentaries ranging between 800-1000 words. Longer pieces will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

2. Give us an indicative headline of 6-8 words; this is subject to editorial approval and can be changed.

3. For editorial consistency, would prefer American spellings 

4. Please maintain a line gap/indentation between paras for easier editing.                  

5. Acronyms can be used but only after these have been expanded at first instance.

6. Please avoid first-person expressions like "us" or "we", especially while referring to a region, country, or its people, as it may sound jarring to readers from other geographies. However, articles dealing with personal experiences can be exceptions in this regard

7. Technical words and jargon should be explained in brief, as far as practicable. Also please mention the source or provide hyperlinks for data and figures.

8. The article should contain an author bio line at the end giving a brief desired designation/title and institutional affiliation. Use the format: The writer is Designation/Institution. Views expressed are personal. He/She can be reached at...... (email Id and/twitter/linkedin/instagram handles)

9. Latest thumbnail photograph (to be displayed along with the article). We would like to tag you on social media when the article is published. Please indicate if you do not desire your photo or mail ID/Twitter etc to be displayed with article and/or do not want to be tagged.

10. All submissions should be sent electronically, as attached word documents, to

11. The subject line should be 'Article for South Asia Monitor'. 

12. The Editor reserves the right to take the final decision on the use of the article, any alterations/changes required, and its publication.

13. The copyright of the article rests with the South Asia Monitor/ Society for Policy Studies. 

14. If the contribution is selected for publication, the contributors will be sent the link to their article which they are free to share on any medium so long as appropriate credits are given to the South Asia Monitor.

15. SAM grants permission to contributors to access and make use of the SAM platform only for non-commercial personal purposes.

Please mail articles to:

For Students/Researchers
We would like to invite students and researchers to send in their writings on issues concerning and of interest to South Asia. We would be happy to offer online internships to those who can participate in, and even initiate, our online activities and occasional offline activities with institutions of eminence. We offer no honorarium but give opportunities to promising interns to develop their writing/speaking experience and enrich their portfolios with exposure to established domain experts.