Venu Naturopathy


Khurram Shahzad

Khurram Shahzad

About Khurram Shahzad

More From Khurram Shahzad

AI-powered future needs cooperation between governments, business and academia

India has shown it has the capacity to spearhead AI innovation globally thanks to its booming startup culture, strong digital infrastructure, and abundance of highly qualified personnel. In his speech, Modi underlined India's commitment to ensuring that AI remains inclusive, ethical and accessible, a technology that advances humanity while…

Pakistani minister Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora honored for his work on human rights and minority empowerment

As Pakistan's first Sikh representative in the Punjab Assembly in more than 60 years, Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora has continuously pushed for inclusive policies and legislative changes, serving as a ray of hope for minorities.

Why Muslim Americans lag behind Jewish and Hindu Americans in US public life

Public perception is arguably the biggest political obstacle Muslim Americans face. Islamophobia has fueled unfavorable preconceptions since 9/11, which has hindered Muslim candidates' ability to win widespread support. While religiously driven opposition is uncommon for Jewish and Hindu politicians, Muslim candidates frequently face…

Pakistani American entrepreneur Sajid Tarar: An influential Muslim voice in US conservative politics

Sajid Tarar is a divisive figure in American politics, particularly among Muslims. While his support for Trump defied traditional political alignments, it also sparked debate about the diversity of political thought among Muslim Americans. His rise from Pakistani immigrant to political influencer in Republican circles highlights the intricacies…

Dr. Rashid Piracha: A legacy of philanthropy and community service

Dr. Piracha made unmatched efforts to strengthen the Pakistani-American community. He put forth endless effort to meet the needs of immigrants, especially physicians, and promote a feeling of community since he understood the particular difficulties they faced.