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Kumardeep Banerjee

Kumardeep Banerjee

About Kumardeep Banerjee

The author is a specialist in technology and trade issues

More From Kumardeep Banerjee

RCEP and India: Read the fine print before joining

India for the time being has chosen to call for an adjournment on the multidimensional chessboard of multilateral trade/strategic agreements which can be seen as a wise move, writes Kumardeep Banerjee for South Asia Monitor

India, US need to realign tech relationship to meet rapidly changing global order

Now with the world increasingly getting caught in a spreading viral infection, and the US political theatre getting embroiled in approaching elections, the India-US agreement on trade doesn’t seem likely to happen before 2021, writes Kumardeep Banerjee for South Asia Monitor

When Trump comes calling, tech collaboration should be high on agenda

Technology collaboration by removing tariff and non-tariff barriers, specifically in the high technology segment, could be great lever of strategic and public policy partnerships for both countries, writes Kumar Deep (@kumar_deep) for South Asia Monitor