Venu Naturopathy


Cmde Ranjit B Rai (retd)

Cmde Ranjit B Rai (retd)

About Cmde Ranjit B Rai (retd)

The writer is a former Director Naval Ops, Indian Navy and Director Naval Intelligence and author of Warring Navies - India and Pakistan.

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China-Pakistan naval axis to contain India's dominance in IOR

China is enabling Pakistan to set up a network-enabled warfare capability with satellite feeds to monitor the Indian Ocean Regions (IOR) like the Indian Navy employs Centrix provided by the US Navy, writes Cmde Ranjit B. Rai (retd) for South Asia Monitor

A lend-lease charter with the US will bolster India's maritime security

An Indo-US Charter with a lend-lease clause on the lines of the Atlantic Charter in 1941 is the need of the hour, writes Cmde Ranjit B Rai (retd) for South Asia Monitor