Venu Naturopathy


Number of COVID-19 deaths far higher than what Nepal government claims, officials say

As of Tuesday, the number of deaths from COVID-19 in the country stands at 1,247. So far, 211,475 have been infected

Nov 18, 2020

As of Tuesday, the number of deaths from COVID-19 in the country stands at 1,247. So far, 211,475 have been infected. The fatality rate, therefore, works out to be 0.59 percent.

But according to multiple sources at the Ministry of Health and Population and the COVID-19 Crisis Management Centre, the number of deaths from coronavirus infection is far more than what the government claims.

A highly placed source at the Health Ministry said that the team formed to investigate variation in data on the deaths between that of the Health Ministry and Nepal Army found problems in data compilation by the ministry.

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