Venu Naturopathy


98 civilians dead in Afghanistan as war escalates

Afghanistan’s war is intensifying amid increased Taliban’s countrywide hostilities as the government and militants tussle in Qatar peace talks for a political settlement to end the conflict

Sep 22, 2020

Afghanistan’s war is intensifying amid increased Taliban’s countrywide hostilities as the government and militants tussle in Qatar peace talks for a political settlement to end the conflict.

Terrorist attacks and roadside bombings have been increasingly rampant in Nangarhar, Takhar, Kapisa, Badghis, Paktia, Paktika, Uruzgan, Kunduz, Maidan Wardak, Kandahar, Ghazni, Kabul and Bamyan provinces, exacerbating civilian casualties.

Over the past two weeks, Interior Ministry’s figures suggest that Taliban attacks killed 98 civilians in 24 provinces, injuring 230 others.

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