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Afghanistan to get $100 million for COVID-19 response

The Asian Development Bank on Wednesday approved $100 million to Afghanistan to support the country’s response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, Tolonews reported

Dec 03, 2020

The Asian Development Bank on Wednesday approved $100 million to Afghanistan to support the country’s response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, Tolonews reported. 

“The assistance will help strengthen the health system, expand social protection for the poor and vulnerable population while ensuring gender mainstreaming, and support macroeconomic stabilization and job creation in Afghanistan,” said ADB President in a statement. 

He added, "ADB reaffirms its full commitment to supporting Afghanistan in its fight against COVID-19 and reducing the adverse impact of the pandemic on the lives of Afghans and the economy,” 

 ADB also said that Afghanistan’s economic outlook has deteriorated during the COVID-19 pandemic because of frequent lockdown and business disruption in the country. 

 Afghanistan’s gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to contract by 5.0% this year as per the ADB projections. 

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