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USAID, US private sectors sign MoU to help female workers affected by pandemic

USAID and a consortium of US private sector have signed a deal to help alleviate the hardships of female workers in their supply-chains affected by the coronavirus pandemic in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam

Oct 30, 2020

USAID and a consortium of US private sector have signed a deal to help alleviate the hardships of female workers in their supply-chains affected by the coronavirus pandemic in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.

US Agency for International Development (USAID) Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick and Steve Lamar, president and chief executive officer of the American Apparel and Footwear Association, signed the memorandum of understanding (MoU) at the third annual Indo-Pacific Business Forum hosted virtually by the US government out of Vietnam on October 28-29, said a USAID statement.

The participating companies and industry associations in the consortium include Carter's, Inc.; Gap, Inc.; Global Brands Group; Levi Strauss & Company; Nike; Tapestry; Target; VF Corporation; Walmart; the American Apparel and Footwear Association; the National Retail Federation; the Retail Industry Leaders Association; and the US Fashion Industry Association.

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