Venu Naturopathy


Farabi Bin Zahir

Farabi Bin Zahir

About Farabi Bin Zahir

More From Farabi Bin Zahir

Bangladesh has conveniently forgotten its bloody history

As a result, the saga of the bravery of the four national leaders has now faded from our lives. We have forgotten our Liberation War. We have utterly failed in the task of giving them their rightful place in history.

Why are the people of Bangladesh apprehensive about the upcoming elections?

Due to the lack of established regard for the democratic system, elections held after the 1990s have been marred by political turmoil and civic unrest. The absence of a solid democratic foundation has hindered the institutionalization of democracy in national life and politics.

Will Pakistan ever apologise for the 1971 genocide?

Until Pakistan apologizes for the genocide of 1971, it will remain a disgraced nation in the annals of human civilization.

Pakistan needs to apologize for the 1971 genocide

The 1971 massacre of innocents in to be Bangladesh by Pakistan was one of the most heinous and barbaric genocides in world history, writes Farabi Bin Zahir for South Asia Monitor 

Pakistan should be compelled to apologise to Bangladesh for 1971 genocide

The ‘uncultured’ state of Pakistan has not apologized yet for the 1971 genocide.  It should be compelled, writes Farabi Bin Zahir for South Asia Monitor