Frank F. Islam

Frank F. Islam

About Frank F. Islam

The author is an entrepreneur, civic and thought leader based in Washington DC

More From Frank F. Islam

Modi's state visit to the US: A visit rich in style and substance

From Modi's standpoint, the visit unfolded precisely as he desired. The exceptional reception he received from the leader of the free world, less than a year before facing the billion-strong Indian electorate, serves as a significant boost for him. 

Russia’s misadventure: Will it herald a setback for populists and return of liberal democracy?

One other unintended consequence of the potential failure of the Russian operation is that it could slow down - and possibly stop the triumphant march of the autocrats – or so-called strongmen - the world over, writes Frank Islam for South Asia Monitor

Yearend reflection: Let’s love, not hate one another

Social cohesion within countries has been slowly eroding for some time; social media has accelerated that erosion

Post-Glasgow, India should become a leader in the green energy drive

By becoming a leader in the green energy movement now, India can reap economic and climate change benefits for the nation and its citizens in the future, writes Frank F Islam for South Asia Monitor 

Modi's US visit: It will be more substance, less optics

The pomp and pageantry that characterized some of Modi's previous visits will be absent this time because of Covid and the more reserved style of the Biden administration, writes Frank F Islam for South Asia Monitor 

It is inconceivable to call Aligarh by any other name

The impact of rechristening Aligarh and other towns and districts on their local communities, especially those belonging to the Muslim faith, is likely to have disastrous consequences

Indian American Rashad Hussain’s nomination is Biden’s way of sending powerful message to the world

One can be optimistic that Biden’s selection will lead to a debate on freedom of religion and more interfaith dialogues in South Asia and other parts of the world, writes Frank F. Islam for South Asia Monitor


Covid-19 vaccination in India: Lessons it can draw from the US experience

Unlike the US, vaccine hesitancy among large sections of the population is not an issue in India, but production is, writes Frank F. Islam for South Asia Monitor

India should enlist services of Indian American physicians in its fight against COVID-19

New Delhi should relax some of the regulations to enable Indian American physicians to get involved in Covid treatment on a larger scale, writes Frank F. Islam for South Asia Monitor

Ramadan can be a life-changing period for Muslims

My faith firmly believes in equality, dignity, compassion, respect, tolerance, justice and peace for other faiths, writes Frank F Islam for South Asia Monitor