Col Anil Bhat (retd)

Col Anil Bhat (retd)

About Col Anil Bhat (retd)

The writer is a strategic analyst and former spokesperson, Defence Ministry and Indian Army

More From Col Anil Bhat (retd)

With China in mind, Indian Navy enhances interoperability with friendly navies

Considering that Indian armed forces are presently preparing for war, the last quarter of 2020 has been quite eventful for the Indian Navy

Decoding Mandarin: Now AI-based Mandarin-English translation systems for India-China border

An AI-based Mandarin-English speech recognition and translation system is helping Indian forces decode their Chinese adversaries in cross-border intelligence gathering, interceptions and other communication

India should consider a surgical strike rerun as Pakistan continues to violate ceasefire

The number of ceasefire violations by Pakistan troops from January till November along the J & K border has broken all records of the past 17 years, writes Col Anil Bhat (retd) for South Asia Monitor

QUAD and BECA will rattle China

India’s two major security decisions taken in October 2020 marked a major shift in its policy to counter China which were meant to strengthen and extend capacities of its armed forces against Beijing’s expansionist moves

As Indian and Chinese armies faceoff for winter, India has a strategic advantage

The Chinese have been livid at India’s long-overdue strategic infrastructure development, as also with its speed and timing, writes Col Anil Bhat (retd) for South Asia Monitor

India must press home its strategic advantage on snowy heights

Given China’s military intentions and aim, taking advantage of the pandemic, for which it is blamed, it is vital for India to take proactive and powerful measures to ensure its security and integrity, writes Col Anil Bhat (retd) for South Asia Monitor 

Corporatisation of ordnance factory board: A strategic necessity for India

In view of the unprecedented tension between the Indian Army and the Chinese Peoples’ Liberation Army on the Line of Actual Control since early May 2020, it is vitally important for ordnance factories to be able to meet large requirements of arms, ammunition, vehicles, and various equipment, writes Col Anil Bhat (retd) for South Asia…

India boosts its maritime capacities with stealth frigates

The construction for the third in a brand new line of stealth frigates for the Indian Navy began earlier this month with the laying of keel ceremony at Mumbai's government-run Mazgaon Dock Limited (MDL)

Can India and China co-exist?

One mountain Two Tigers - India, China and the High Himalayas is edited by Shakti Sinha and is published by Pentagon Press. Pages: 201. Price: Rs. 795

It's going to be a long eyeball-to-eyeball standoff with China: But India is well prepared

The Chinese had realised that not only were they outnumbered but totally outflanked, making their position untenable. Any armed clash hereafter would have been suicidal, writes Anil Bhat for South Asia Monitor