Venu Naturopathy




About V.K.Varadarajan

The writer is a veteran journalist and economic analyst.

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Ukraine war will have long-lasting impact on emerging economies

Amidst the Ukraine war, Indian exporters are worried about exports and have seen an early trend in declining orders for engineering goods and apparels

Debt management crucial for pandemic-hit economic recovery in India and South Asian nations

The pandemic is estimated to have caused 48-59 million people to become or remain poor in 2021 in South Asia, writes V.K. Varadarajan for South Asia Monitor

A civil servant who embraced empathy

His emphasis on empathy, the culture of change and innovation for transformation, which went to define his career as a bureaucrat, are amply reflected in the essays contained in the book

Vaccination for all: Is it going to be a long waiting time for India?

As events unfold by the day, the vaccine shortage story only gets more baffling with little hope for an early replenishment to meet the government’s objective of procuring 2.67 billion doses by the yearend 

India’s overwhelmed public health system crying for reforms

The Parliamentary Committee on Health and Welfare, in its recent report, had suggested that the public expenditure on health needs to be enhanced to at least 2.5 percent of GDP in the next 3 years, much of which should be invested in creating and modernising the strained infrastructure, reports V K Varadarajan for South Asia Monitor…