Venu Naturopathy


Commodore PK Viswanathan (Retd)

Commodore PK Viswanathan (Retd)

About Commodore PK Viswanathan (Retd)

The author, a retired Indian Navy officer.

More From Commodore PK Viswanathan (Retd)

Lest we forget the supreme sacrifice of our armed forces

The COVID-19 lockdown ruminations continue even as news comes in about the Indian military contingent in Moscow at the World War II 75th anniversary Victory Day parade

The General Staff and the learning of military wives

The COVID-19 lockdown ruminations continue. Lounging around one lockdown day, I got to wondering about this brilliant idea of the General Staff, of getting down to training all army and, by extension, all defence forces' wives

The Tirupati man and understanding strategic deterrence

The COVID-19 lockdown ruminations continue.  There are some concepts in the world of international power play that are difficult to comprehend, even for us normal adults

'India is your introduction': Recalling the legend of Don Bosco

The COVID 19 lockdown recall continues. In 1990 I was sitting pondering at my misfortune of having landed the job of looking after the material requirements of a large naval dockyard when in breezed the pint-sized ex gunnery officer of a missile corvette we had commissioned together in the (former) USSR  in the late seventies

Lockdown musings: Life simplified but is there gender equality at home?

I slept a lot, but I was doing that in any case before the lockdown.  I read some but it is becoming increasingly difficult to focus for long with my failing eyesight