Dr Koyel Basu

Dr Koyel Basu

About Dr Koyel Basu

More From Dr Koyel Basu

Gendered impact of natural disasters: Vulnerabilities of women increased in a post-tsunami Sri Lanka

The worst part of the disaster was not only loss of resources like property but the sexual violence the women in Sri Lanka faced. Apart from lack of proper nutrition, hygiene and clean water and health care, what was impossible to handle was sexual violence along with high cases of rape and domestic abuse. 

Climate crises affect women more: Vulnerabilities of Nepalese women increased manifold after 2015 earthquake

According to a UN report, three months after the quake in Nepal at least 245 children had been preyed upon by traffickers and that was just the “tip of a growing iceberg”

Climate change and gender-based violence in Nepal: Vulnerabilities of women and children

After the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal, human trafficking spiked. There were even early and forced marriages and widows were at risk of receiving unwanted sexual attention. Since there is hardly any gender-neutral discourse to the mitigation of gender-based violence after climate change, attempts are increasingly being made to change the gender-…