Venu Naturopathy


Brig Anil Gupta (retd)

Brig Anil Gupta (retd)

About Brig Anil Gupta (retd)

The author is a Jammu based political commentator and strategic analyst

More From Brig Anil Gupta (retd)

India needs to brace for another lockdown

While the South Korean model of aggressive and maximum testing has proved successful; the world is also studying and appreciating the Indian model wherein a densely and an overpopulated nation with limited resources and a not very advanced health infrastructure has been able to control the exponential spread of the pandemic, writes Brig…

Kashmiri youth being misled: Myth about 'demographic changes'

Who will benefit from the new rule? It would be the wards of West Pakistan refugees, Balmikis, Gorkhas, Punjabis and migrant labour in the newly created union territory, writes Brig Anil Gupta (retd) for South Asia Monitor

The lockdown is India’s only hope

After independence, this is perhaps the first time India is being put to such a test, with every part of the country affected. Not confined to India alone, but the entire neighbourhood of South Asia is being engulfed by this pandemic, writes Brig Anil Gupta (retd) for South Asia Monitor 

Coronavirus hits prospects for a revival in Kashmir this summer

For Kashmiris, who were hoping to come out of a long period of isolation after August 5, 2019 and subsequent government clampdown to ensure peace, the deadly virus has been a huge setback at a time when the thaw was beginning and restrictions easing, writes Brig Anil Gupta (retd) for South Asia Monitor

Sheikh Abdullah was not a democrat: A counter-narrative based on facts

The National Conference (NC) leadership is making a fuss over dropping the Sher-e-Kashmir prefix from the name of the Convention Centre, despite knowing that the administration is meeting its constitutional obligation, mandated by Article 18 of the Indian Constitution

Despite intense efforts, Pakistan remains on FATF grey list

Having understood the American game plan, India acted swiftly to minimise the danger by ensuring that Pakistan did not get off the 'grey list' till its compliance is fully confirmed, writes Brig Anil Gupta (retd) for South Asia Monitor

Soleimani’s killing has only helped Islamic State, will threaten South Asian security

The re-emergence of IS would have a definite impact on the Af-Pak region, with its consequential fallout for India and regional peace and stability in South Asia, writes Brig Anil Gupta (retd) for South Asia Monitor