Venu Naturopathy


Brij Bhardwaj

Brij Bhardwaj

About Brij Bhardwaj

The author is a veteran journalist and commentator

More From Brij Bhardwaj

Only the rich can fight elections in India

Only the rich can fight polls in India as the cost of electioneering has gone up by many times

India can only survive as a secular democracy

There are many in the western world and many in India who are expressing doubts about India continuing as a democracy

Public support is fickle: BJP should reach out to the farmers

Cricket has been described as a game of uncertainties and surprises, but it should be noted that the same is true of politics

Need independent institutions in India to strengthen democracy

India as a nation looks divided. We have serious problems relating to health, defence, and the economy of the nation. Unity is needed to meet all these challenges

Fresh hopes in Jammu & Kashmir

Some wise and old heads seem to be working on India's Kashmir policy, finally. The release of former Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah and attempt to present a new model of development by a group are two attempts in this direction

India yet to make a choice between Gandhi and Godse

This morning when I got up to open my laptop again after an interval of months spent by me in hospitals, medical check-ups etc