Venu Naturopathy


Cmde C Uday Bhaskar (Retd.)

Cmde C Uday Bhaskar (Retd.)

About Cmde C Uday Bhaskar (Retd.)

The author is Director, Society for Policy Studies

More From Cmde C Uday Bhaskar (Retd.)

Policy priorities: rice for ethanol or hungry stomachs?

This abundant food-in-the-granary exigency will unfold even as a large number of Indians are grappling with hunger pangs and are  stuck in varying degrees of deprivation, writes C Uday Bhaskar for South Asia Monitor

India could be staring at a human security catastrophe

India has about 450 million workers in the informal sector and about a third of them are in the migrant cluster. Even if it is estimated that half of this workforce is grappling with hunger, the numbers are mind-boggling, writes C Uday Bhaskar for South Asia Monitor

The pain of the migrant worker: State must not be selective in concern for Indian citizen

Saturday (March 28) marked the fourth day since Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day national lockdown that has had huge disruptive consequences across the country and differently affected the lives of more than a billion people

SAARC: Covid cooperation should include Iran

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to be commended for taking the initiative in enabling a cyber SAARC summit on Sunday (March 15) to deal with the growing COVID 19 challenge. Leaders of all the SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) countries, barring Pakistan, which was represented by an official,  were linked through video and…

Whither police reforms? Law enforcement may be failing Indian democracy

The current pattern of law enforcement in India dilutes the claim to be a  robust and equitable democracy and  the hapless citizen pays a heavy price, writes C Uday Bhaskar for South Asia Monitor

Trump visit: US can help India shore up its naval power

Just before the American  president  sets  course for India, a senior US official noted  that  the US wants an India that is strong with a capable military that supports peace, stability, and a rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific region, writes Cmde C Uday Bhaskar (retd) for South Asia Monitor 

Cracking down on student protests augurs ill for Indian democracy

The dissent by young India is being cast as a diabolical anti-national act, even while many of the leaders in the BJP led government cut their teeth in politics during their student days, writes C Uday Bhaskar for South Asia Monitor 

Trump cancelling Taliban pact brings relief to world capitals, including Delhi

Delhi has not yet made an official statement, but legitimizing the Taliban at a Camp David ceremony would  have had an adverse impact on India’s strategic interests in the region, writes C Uday Bhaskar for South Asia Monitor

Some deft 'Modiplomacy' at G7, but Kashmir handling a challenge

The Kashmir issue may have been handled deftly at the global politico-diplomatic level, but the abiding challenge for India remains domestic, writes C Uday Bhaskar for South Asia Monitor

How sacrosanct is the 'Idea of India'?

Experts are divided about the legality and constitutional propriety of the August 5 decisions in relation to Article 3 and the reorganization of states. What is at stake is the sanctity of  constitutionalism  and for PM Narendra Modi the way the Kashmir issue unfolds  will  define his political legacy, writes C Uday Bhaskar for South Asia…