Venu Naturopathy


Partha Pratim Mitra

Partha Pratim Mitra

About Partha Pratim Mitra

The writer is a retired special secretary in India's labour ministry.

More From Partha Pratim Mitra

COVID-19 and South Asian exports in Asian perspective: Maldives most integrated country, Pakistan least

The data for South Asia shows that Maldives is the most globally integrated country in the region followed by  Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Pakistan in terms of the average percentage of exports that formed part of the global value chain during the period 2019-2021.

Sectoral economic transition in South Asia: Emerging trends and opportunities

Between 2008 and 2021, the sectoral economic transition witnessed in most countries in South Asia - and in other parts of Asia - has  reduced the sectoral share of GDP in agriculture  and also the  employment burden on agriculture  in most countries.  This trend, however, changed in the wake of Covid -19  when the share of agriculture in GDP in…

South Asia in the Developing Asia perspective: Need to balance external borrowings and growth impulses

The situation however has been somewhat different in certain countries of South Asia which have raised resources through external borrowings despite having current account deficits - Afghanistan, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.  Caution needs to be exercised by them in resorting to such borrowings.

Global economic prospects and challenges for South Asia: Cooperation is the key

The policy dilemmas which the economies of South Asia face call for collective thinking, although each country may have to pursue its own strategy, writes Partha Pratim Mitra for South Asia Monitor 

South Asian nations need structural adjustment to step up growth

Some major countries of South Asia have recently had Article IV consultations with the IMF since the onset of the pandemic in early 2020, writes Partha Pratim Mitra for South Asia Monitor

Glasgow and South Asia: Questions on transition towards net-zero economy

Carbon finance is expected to play a critical role in leveraging private sector finance for flourishing regional power trade between Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal, writes Partha Pratim Mitra for South Asia Monitor

Global Hunger Index 2021: India needs to do more on child nutrition, responsive village-level governance

The GHI ranking given to India is certainly a wake-up call for the country, writes Partha Pratim Mitra for South Asia Monitor

South Asian government needs to relax fiscal austerity, promote high-skill, high value-added sectors

The most important challenge for South Asia is to revive livelihoods, which the crisis has devastated across the region, writes Partha Pratim Mitra for South Asia Monitor

Equitable vaccine distribution a must for South Asia's economic recovery

The Asian Development Bank has stated that in South Asia the new wave of Covid-19  between March and June 2021 has somewhat dampened the economic outlook of the region, writes Partha Pratim Mitra, for South Asia Monitor

Improved transport connectivity in South Asia must for boosting intra-regional and inter-regional trade

Better connectivity in this region would facilitate the establishment of trade linkages with other regions through platforms such as the BIMSTEC, SAARC, and ASEAN, writes Partha Pratim Mitra for South Asia Monitor