Venu Naturopathy


Three Indian enterprises selected for joint R&D and technology transfer with Russia

Three Indian S&T-led small-to-medium enterprises/ start-ups have been selected to undertake joint R&D and technology transfer projects under the India-Russia Joint Technology Assessment and Accelerated Commercialization Program

Jun 11, 2021
India - Russia

Three Indian S&T-led small-to-medium enterprises/ start-ups have been selected to undertake joint R&D and technology transfer projects under the India-Russia Joint Technology Assessment and Accelerated Commercialization Program.

Two of the selected companies – Prantae Solutions and Jayon Implants - are being funded under joint R&D Projects, and the third company, Ananya Technologies, has been funded for technology adoption from Russia.

Prantae Solutions is being funded for the development of a platform for rapid point of care diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) by a technique called multiplex immunofluorescence analysis based on disposable cartridges. The company aims to create a portable Point-of-Care technology for rapid identification of RA to circumvent the difficulties associated with ELISA-based serological diagnosis.

Support for Jayon Implants will help in the development of prosthetic technologies and manufacturing ceramic endoprostheses for hand and foot joints, adjacent joints, large joints, as well as dental implants. The key aim of the project is to create and commercialize unique, innovative medical devices for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative lesions, injury, and arthrosis of the joints of the upper limbs of a person.

Ananya Technologies is being funded for joint development of Integrated Standby Instrument System and associated test equipment with their Russian counterpart.

The India-Russia Joint Technology Assessment and Accelerated Commercialization Program is a joint initiative of the Department of Science & Technology (DST), and the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE). On the Indian side, the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) is implementing this program on behalf of DST.

The program was launched in July 2020 as a bilateral initiative between India and Russia to foster collaboration in Science, Technology and Innovation. Several joint proposals were received against the maiden call of the programme, out of which three proposals were selected for funding after a rigorous evaluation process.(SAM)

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