Venu Naturopathy


Domestic travel restrictions eased in Maldives as Covid cases recede

Maldives has eased domestic travel restrictions, lifting the ban on non-essential travel as Covid-19 cases receded significantly in the past few weeks

Jun 23, 2021
Maldives (File)

Maldives has eased domestic travel restrictions, lifting the ban on non-essential travel as Covid-19 cases receded significantly in the past few weeks. The ban was imposed in early May when the cases started surging in the archipelago. The Health Protection Agency (HPA), the main body to manage the Covid crisis, announced the measures on Tuesday. It reported just 145 cases on the day.

The Greater Male region, the most congested area in the archipelago, had faced the most severe restrictions as it reported over 50 percent of the total caseload. However, restrictions were eased this week. 

From today, people will not require special permits for inter-island travel, Mabrook Azeez, the spokesperson of the president, was quoted as saying by the local Sun news network. However, guesthouses in residential islands will still remain under restrictions and have not been allowed to resume their operations. 

The ban on guesthouse operations has severe impacted the livelihood of thousands of people. The almost 6000 guesthouses are the largest job-providing sector in the Maldives.   

Shortening of curfew timing, allowing individual worshipping in mosques and open-air exercising are among other measures taken to ease restrictions.    


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