Venu Naturopathy


O, for the Ecstasy of not knowing

O, for the ecstasy of not knowing
That which would rend my heart,

Ashok Sawhny Mar 22, 2025
Representational Photo

O, for the ecstasy of not knowing
That which would rend my heart,
And tears to my eyes bring,
O, why would I wish to know for a start.
In the dark and secret abyss of my mind
The innermost thoughts lie buried deep,
Best left where they are, Ashok,
Why nightmares to poison sleep?
But do I even have a choice in that,
A pick and choose in my power,
To skirt the nettle and the bramble
And just take the flower?
The train of thoughts does zigzag move
On lines that never meet,
The good, the bad, the intruding too,
Each has a permanent seat.
It isn't given to Man or Nature
To constant happiness find,
Winters bare the trees we know
And summers can be unkind.
To take the rough with the smooth
Is an adage old as the hills,
Destiny's child is the one Whose heart just joy fills.

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