Venu Naturopathy


The intrepid Abhilash and GGR 2022 Episode III

The Intrepid Abhilash and GGR 2022 - Episode III

GGR 2022 ,  deemed to be the  world’s most challenging ocean sailing race , concluded at 9 PM (local time)  April 27 in  the French port village Les Sable D’olonne  with  South African skipper Kirsten Neuschafer  crossing the finish line on  Thursday night. Ms. Kirsten has made history by winning this race.

The other finalist, Indian Navy sailor, Cdr. Abhilash Tomy, after almost 240 days at sea, is expected to cross  the finish line off Les Sables d’Olonne in France on Saturday.

In this episode, we are very glad to welcome Abhilashs's wife  Urmimala to share her thoughts about GGR 2022 and the symbolism for the intrepid sailor.

Audio file