Venu Naturopathy


Future of Sri Lanka-China ties | Dr. Palitha Kohona, Sri Lanka's ambassador to China | 10 Mins with SAM

Nov 06, 2020

Dr. Palitha Kohona who was recently appointed as Sri Lanka's Ambassador to China talks about Sri Lanka's priorities in China while touching on the BRI initiative. He even clarifies the assumptions on Chinese investments in Sri Lanka. He concludes by explaining Sri Lanka's stand on conflicts between India & China and urges the nations to maintain peace.

Dr. Palitha T. B. Kohona is Sri Lanka's Ambassador to China, Former Sri Lankan Foreign Secretary & Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York.

Table of Contents - 
1. Sri Lanka’s priorities in China and the BRI Initiative - 01:00
2. The Nature of Chinese Investments in Sri Lanka - 05:30
3. Sri Lanka’s relation with India & China - 07:05
4. Sri Lanka’s strategy to deter conflict in the Indian Ocean - 08:20

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