Turkmenistan special forces get advanced training in India
Turkmenistan Special Forces troopers are learning enhanced combat skills at India's specialised military training institute, the Indian Army said on Thursday

Turkmenistan Special Forces troopers are learning enhanced combat skills at India's specialised military training institute, the Indian Army said on Thursday. Based on a request from the Turkmenistan Special Forces, the Special Forces Training School (SFTS) of the Indian Army has commenced training of their paratroopers.
The Indian Special Forces (SF) have over a period of time earned immense respect and reputation of being one of the finest Special Forces in the world due to its professionalism, operational expertise, and sacrifice. Special Forces of friendly nations including the US, Australia, countries of Central Asian Region and the Middle East have increasingly shown their desire to train with the battle-hardened Indian Special Forces troops.
SFTS is based at Nahan, a hill town in Himachal Pradesh, and is a unique institution providing training to the Indian Army's Special Forces.
Turkmenistan Special Forces troopers learn Combat Free Fall as a precursor to a series of other customised professional courses which will assist in capability enhancement.
The first phase of training would culminate on March 27.
In August this year, the personnel will go for the second phase of training so that they can develop a strong winning attitude for carrying out special operations in the entire spectrum of contemporary warfare.
The Indian Army's Special Forces have enhanced their engagement with their counterparts from friendly nations, officials said.
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