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Maldives to connect prison inmates with families via video calls

In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, the Maldives government, which has already suspended all visits in the prisons, is now planning to connect the inmates with their families via video calls

Mar 30, 2020

In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, the Maldives government, which has already suspended all visits in the prisons, is now planning to connect the inmates with their families via video calls.

After a State of Public Health Emergency was declared in the Maldives due to the coronavirus, the government suspended family visits in the prisons and are instead allowing phone calls.

The Maldives Correctional Service spokesperson, Aminath Yusreen said while no physical visits will be allowed, arrangements are being made to connect them by using video calls via Skype. The service may commence by next week.

So far, the archipelago has reported 17 cases, including two locals.

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Tue, 05/16/2023 - 09:57
Please Video Call Contact My Brother
Name: Md: Hasan Ahmed
Passport No: AE8760227