Venu Naturopathy


Nepal regulates sale of acid

The Nepal government promulgated an ordinance regulating the sale of acid and other harmful chemicals in the country, a report in the Himalayan Times said

Apr 06, 2021

The Nepal government promulgated an ordinance regulating the sale of acid and other harmful chemicals in the country, a report in the Himalayan Times said. 

Under the newly issued Acid and Other Harmful Chemicals (Regulation) Ordinance 2077, industries in the country now require to obtain a license for the usage of these substances.

“The industries that require the usage of acid and other harmful chemicals in any way will have to submit an application for the purpose of obtaining a license in the given format within a week,” read a notification issued by the country’s home ministry.

The ministry will issue licenses to industries only for specific chemicals, based on their requirements. The rules also made it compulsory for sellers to maintain a record book, keeping the details of purchasers and the quantity sold to them.

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