Venu Naturopathy


A dose of hope and cheer

If Sunshine eludes you then be your

Ashok Sawhny Jul 23, 2020

If Sunshine eludes you then be your

Sunshine Remove the darkness from

your mind and you’ll be fine,

The grey outside is much less than what’s within

Fight it, overcome it, don’t ever give in, never resign.


Daylight’s short anyway, why shorten it

Night’s have the candle and

that’s a good fit But, days and the mind are different animals

And, neither are brightened by the candle that’s lit


But, if you light up the lamp that resides within you

Then the dark grey of the clouds will partly turn blue,

It may not match the brilliance of the Orb, but again

Not much, if anything, is really, truly, true


So, light up the mind with a dose of hope and cheer

Why burden it with depression and mindless fear,

There’s a way I can suggest that might  help, my dear

 Try reading me, and not Bill Shakespeare!!!

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