Venu Naturopathy


The India of Our Dream

Hearts and Minds all alight

Ashok Sawhny Aug 14, 2022
The India of Our Dream

Hearts and Minds all alight

Happy and gay as we celebrate,

The 75th year of Independence

And, the India of our dream strive to create.


The Flag flying, everywhere

Within and and without our mortal frames

Pronouncing, in clear and unequivocal terms

We are Indian, first and last, whatever our names.


It’s a conscious effort that must be made

Day in day out , a promise to stay together,

Politics can play the games it likes, but

Must not divide the polity, and never.


The Spirit of India is greater than all

As its Sons and Daughters will rise and fall,

We must, always and forever, vigilant remain

Salute the Flag, as we stand tall.


Pride, a must in every heart, 

each mind a beacon supreme

Only then, will we fulfill and, truly, accomplish

The eternal India of our Dream.


(The author is an English and Urdu poet. His poems can be accessed on Ashok Sawhny Poetry of Life ( English)/Ashok Sawhny , Dastan -e- Zindagi (Urdu)

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