Nature's retribution

Not as pretty as a flower

Ashok Sawhny May 16, 2020

Not as pretty as a flower
Nor shining like the vibrant star,
What, then, is there in you, O Man
For, dust is all you really are.

Missing, in you, is the peace and calm
The stillness of  being there, ‘cause you are,
As you seek in Nature its soothing balm
The blessed dawn, the nightly star.

The wrath of Nature frightens you
The crashing meteor, the torrid heat
The storms, the ‘quakes, the chill too
But, from mis-adventures you won’t retreat.

You don’t own it but you think you do
This world, and all that lies within it,
The land,the trees, the oceans blue
The skies when dark and also lit.

Your desire for conquest is not understood
For, it isolates and creates distances,
You destroy Nature, a strange Robin Hood
Who plunders and hands out a few pittances.

Is that what true nation-builders do
Pull down all, create upheaval, noise and din,
Take on the might of mighty Nature
Egged on by the devil within.

All it does is scar the world
And, wound it beyond repair
The heavens above must, surely, wonder
Does Man for Man, even care.

With wars fought on a daily basis
Religious, Commercial, Territorial and more,
The Seas no longer for recreation
Battles, all bloody on the shore.

Running scared like a rat now
Is Man with faces hidden behind a mask,
Being taken by an angry Nature
Severely, mortally, in retribution to task.

(The author can be contacted at

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