'Next 10 days crucial for controlling COVID-19'

Pakistan's Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar has warned that the next 10 days are very crucial and any negligence by the people could hamper the positive trend of novel coronavirus cases in the country

Jul 24, 2020

Pakistan's Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Asad Umar has warned that the next 10 days are very crucial and any negligence by the people could hamper the positive trend of novel coronavirus cases in the country.

“In today’s meeting of the National Command and Operation Centre with all the chief secretaries, it was stressed that next 10 days are very crucial,” he told reporters soon after chairing the NCOC meeting on Thursday.

The federal minister, who also chairs NCOC meetings, urged the people to strictly follow the precautionary measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19 during Eid shopping in markets, sacrificial animal markets, and especially on Eidul Azha day.

“If we do not observe precautionary measures during these days, the declining trend in coronavirus cases could once again turn otherwise,”  he added.

In a tweet, Umar said that he held the NCOC session in Quetta, hosted by Chief Minister Balochistan Jam Kamal Khan.

He acknowledged the improvement in positivity ratio in Balochistan and also appreciated leadership provided by the chief minister.

The planning and development minister went on to say that It was emphasised that continued and in fact, enhanced effort on contact tracing and testing would be essential

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