Venu Naturopathy


Fall in numbers of South Asian expats in Oman

The number of Indian expats in Oman has plunged to 499,431, due to the government's' Omanisation' process and the coronavirus pandemic that led to the departure of a large number of Indians, the media reported

Oct 29, 2020

The number of Indian expats in Oman has plunged to 499,431, due to the government's' Omanisation' process and the coronavirus pandemic that led to the departure of a large number of Indians, the media reported.  Bangladeshi expats also declined 13.9 per cent to 450,471, while Pakistanis were down 15.7 per cent to 176,550.

According to the National Centre for Statistics and Information, the Indian expatriate community in the Sultanate declined by 20 per cent by the end of the third quarter of this year, compared to the same period last year, Gulf News reported on Wednesday.

The Indian community decreased from 542,091 in July to 517,702 in August following government measures to reduce the expatriate population and allow more Omanis to join the job market.

However, the Indians still constitute the largest expatriate community in the Sultanate.

Foreigners account for more than 40 per cent of Oman's population of 4.6 million.


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