Venu Naturopathy


Mayank Chhaya speaks with Dr WPS Sidhu, Nonresident Fellow CIC, NYU, on Afghanistan and implications for South Asia | SAM Conversation

Aug 04, 2021

With the US set to end its largely disastrous nearly 20-year-long military occupation of Afghanistan by August end, the country has rapidly spiraled into its familiar blood-letting and chaos.
There are serious apprehensions of a civil war breaking out as the Taliban rapidly gobbling up, according to one estimate, over 50 percent of the country with their eye trained on the capital Kabul.
The chaos in Afghanistan has grave repercussions not just for the country itself but its neighbors Pakistan, India, Iran, China, Russia and Central Asia in the immediate but also for the United States and the international community.
Mayank Chhaya Reports spoke to Dr. Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu, a Non-Resident Fellow at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation as well as a clinical professor.
Dr. Sidhu has researched, written, and taught extensively on the United Nations and regionalism, peace operations, Southern Asia, confidence-building-measures, disarmament, arms control, and non-proliferation issues.
