Venu Naturopathy


South Asia's Rohingya Refugee Crisis | Conversation with Amb (retd.) Rajiv Bhatia | 10Min with SAM

Jul 31, 2020

Rajiv Bhatia, former Indian ambassador to Myanmar talks about the Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Myanmar, Bangladesh's dilemma, India's role in the crisis, and China meddling with insurgents.

Ambassador Rajiv Bhatia is a Distinguished Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies Programme at Gateway House. He also served as the Ambassador to Myanmar and Mexico and as High Commissioner to Kenya and South Africa.

Table of Contents - 
1. Resolution to the Rohingya Crisis & COVID-19 - 01:08
2. India's role in the Rohingya Crisis - 03:10
3. China's role in the Rohingya Crisis - 04:29
4. China & Insurgency in Myanmar - 06:34
5. Myanmar's Relationship with India & China - 08:15