Bangladesh at crossroads: Expectations high from interim government on restoration of democracy

The interim government is led by civilian leadership. However, the extent of military control in this government remains unclear. According to some political observers, even if not officially present, the military will have a significant influence on this government. 

M A Hossain Aug 12, 2024
Interim government in Bangladesh (Photo: Twitter)

The formation of an interim government under the leadership of Dr Muhammad Yunus marks a pivotal moment in Bangladesh's history. At this critical juncture, the expectations from this new administration are immense. The people of the country, who have witnessed decades of political turbulence and the erosion of democratic values, are yearning for a restoration of true democracy. There is a widespread desire to see democracy freed from the corruption and abuse of power that have plagued it for years. This is not just a desire for change, but a profound hope for a better future where governance is transparent, accountable, and truly representative of the people's will.

In the past, democracy in our country has often been more of facade than reality. The promises of democratic governance have frequently been undermined by those in power, who have used their positions to further their own interests rather than those of the nation. As a result, democracy has been distorted, with the language of force and coercion being disguised as democratic discourse. This has led to widespread disillusionment among the people, who have seen their hopes dashed time and again by leaders who have failed to live up to their promises.

The resignation of Sheikh Hasina and the subsequent political turmoil have only added to the uncertainty and anxiety of the populace. The absence of a stable government for several days created a vacuum that was quickly filled by chaos and anarchy. The riots, vandalism, and looting that ensued were not only a reflection of the anger and frustration of the people but also an indication of the deep-rooted issues that have been festering for years.These incidents have highlighted the fragility of Bangladesh’s democratic institutions and the urgent need for reform.

One of the most troubling aspects of this period of unrest has been the way in which lawlessness has been allowed to prevail. The wanton destruction of public and private property, the looting of buildings, and the general disregard for the rule of law are symptomatic of a society that has lost its way. The first priority of the interim government will be to ensure the safety of life and property while also paving the way for freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. Preventing further violence will be a major challenge for the new government.

Rebuilding democratic institutions 

The formation of the interim government offers a chance to reverse this trend and restore faith in the democratic process. However, this will not be an easy task. The new government must not only address the immediate challenges of restoring order and stability but also undertake the much more difficult task of rebuilding the nation's democratic institutions. This will require a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of the current crisis and lays the foundation for a more just and equitable society.

The interim government is led by civilian leadership. However, the extent of military control in this government remains unclear. According to some political observers, even if not officially present, the military will have a significant influence on this government. Major political parties in Bangladesh fear that if the interim government's tenure is prolonged, the military might seize the opportunity to solidify its authority within the government. However, at present, it seems the military is not as interested in playing an active role in the government or being at the center of politics as it was a few decades ago.

One of the key challenges facing the new government will be to ensure that democracy is not just a slogan but a reality. This means that the government must be truly representative of the people's will and must work to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their background, have a voice in the political process. This will require a commitment to transparency, accountability, and the rule of law. It will also require a willingness to engage with the opposition and to listen to the concerns of all citizens, not just those who support the government.

In addition to these political challenges, the new government will also need to address the social and economic issues that have been neglected for too long. The country is facing a host of problems, including cost of living, unemployment, and a lack of access to basic services such as healthcare and education. These issues must be addressed if the country is to move forward and achieve its full potential.

Promoting tolerance and understanding 

The new government must also recognize the importance of cultural identity in shaping the future of the nation. While political identity is crucial, it is equally important to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage of the country. This means that the government must work to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their religion or ethnicity, feel that they are a valued part of the nation. This will require a commitment to promoting tolerance and understanding and to ensuring that all citizens have the opportunity to participate in the cultural life of the country.

The new government will have the responsibility of conducting credible investigations and taking appropriate legal action for the recent tragic events. However, this will only be possible if the government is willing to learn from the mistakes of the past and to take bold and decisive action. This will require a commitment to change and a willingness to make difficult decisions.

The formation of the interim government is just the beginning. The true test will come in the days and weeks ahead as the government begins to implement its policies and address the challenges facing the country. It is at this point that the government will be judged not just by its words but by its actions. The people of the country will be watching closely to see whether the government can deliver on its promises and lead the country towards a brighter future.

Expectations from the new government are high, and rightly so. The country is at a crossroads, and the decisions made in the coming days will have a profound impact on its future. The people are looking to the government to restore democracy, promote justice, and build a society that is inclusive and equitable. This is a daunting task, but it is also an opportunity to create a better future for all citizens. The government must rise to the occasion and show that it is capable of meeting these expectations. Only then can the country move forward and achieve its full potential.

(The author is a political analyst based in Bangladesh. Views are personal. He can be contacted at

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Md Abdullah
Mon, 08/12/2024 - 19:11
Great analyses. It's worth reading.