Covid-19 turning point for globalisation, a challenge for India
While China may re-emerge from the crisis slightly weakened, the consequences can be devastating for countries like India, which missed out on most of the benefits of rapid globalisation and do not have the capital accumulation, unless they can reinvent themselves, writes Arul Louis for South Asia Monitor

The Covid-19 outbreak will be a turning point in globalisation's steady march over the last 40 years, impacting India beyond its efforts to grapple with the current economic slowdown.
The world is whipsawed by the human toll of the disease and the economic meltdown approaching recession proportions leading to closing of economies and frontiers to a degree that the extreme anti-globalisation forces – or even President Donald Trump – could have foreseen.
Even if the extreme measures taken by governments and the economic fallout end when the disease abates, there will be a reimagination of globalisation now that its perceived unassailability has been breached, exposing its weaknesses.
So far – as of the second week of March – India has not been affected as much as many countries, but the risks remain high because of the population density, which is made worse by the proximity of residences in slums – and even just the crowding and jostling that is an everyday affair.
The risks have been mitigated by the government's early intervention – a Canadian visitor to India in early February said that during the journey, the only place where the visitors' temperatures were measured on arrival was in Kerala – the disease awareness campaigns and the higher temperatures in many parts of the country.
Should it break out as an epidemic, India as a democracy and open society of 1.3 billion people will find it difficult to impose stringent measures like even Italy, another chaotic democracy.
Hoping – and really expecting – that India will be spared the worst of the disease, it will still face the economic consequences.
Its economic growth had been scaled back to 4.9% for the current fiscal year by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before the Coronavirus crisis hit. That figure is likely to be reduced even further as also the forecast of 5.8% for the next year because of the disease's external impact.
India sailed placidly through the 2008 Great Recession compared to other countries, but in the decade since, its exposure to the global economy has increased while the domestic economy was already wobbly.
In 2008 and in the years that followed till as recently as 2018-19, India was buoyed by growing domestic consumption. But that is unlikely this time around as domestic consumption has fallen.
IMF’s Managing Director Kristalina Georgieve recently estimated that global growth would be 2.9%, a dip of 0.5% from previous estimates. A drop of similar magnitude can be expected for India from the 4.9% made for the current fiscal year.
A possible fallout could be a rise in social unrest – a likely factor for the widening of the protests over the Citizenship (Amendment) Act is that it also helps give vent to the feelings of frustration and hopelessness building up among the young as unemployment rose.
The commercial and industrial headline from the crisis is that coronavirus has hit the world's factory, China, and the disruption in the supply chains has hit manufacturing around the world and also the availability of goods made in that country. This has exposed the weak point of globalisation that benefited China at the expense of the rest of the world.
India is facing a shortage of parts for cell phones and ingredients for some medications because of shutdowns in China and this shortfall may extend to other products. Besides disrupting manufacturing, shortages of finished products can exert some inflationary pressure there as elsewhere in the world.
The global trade disruption presents three possible scenarios: A retrenchment from globalisation entrenched through the World Trade Organisation that is already under stress from Trump's trade wars; flowing from it as well as a future insurance, a trend towards reinvigorating domestic manufacture, and the reorientation of the supply chains away from China.
If the WTO structure is shaken, India could try to boost domestic manufacture even of simple things like Deepavali fireworks or religious icons that are increasingly outsourced to China.
It could also try to vie for the downstream of supply chains that multinationals want to relocate. (Lacking the capacity of chip foundries, for example, the cell phone manufacturer that moved to India has been hit by the China closures.) But for this to happen, India will have to create the physical and human infrastructures – the transportation and energy networks for manufacture and the social and educational development of people in the populous inland areas.
There are, however, two barriers to this: Competition from not only other developing countries, but also from the developed countries that would want the supply chains closer in, and a cutback in corporate investments.
UNCTAD has said that reeling from the effects of the coronavirus, multinationals are cutting back on capital investments and the flow of foreign direct investments (FDI) can drop by 5 to 15%. This will affect both the expected regular FDI flow to India as well as the possible relocation of manufacturing.
While China may re-emerge from the crisis slightly weakened, the consequences can be devastating for countries like India, which missed out on most of the benefits of rapid globalisation and do not have the capital accumulation, unless they can reinvent themselves.
At a much deeper – if philosophical – level, the world may emerge from the crisis re-fragmented. The Great Wall of Coronavirus is dividing nations that moved towards free travel.
The Italian lockdown is testing the concept of a Western Europe without borders, already shaken by Brexit and the German-engineered refugee influx before that. The Schengen Agreement of 1985, which grew to 26 members, is at risk from Italy's restrictions, that could creep. Wholesale barring of Chinese citizens from entering certain countries is another setback to relaxed global travel.
An article of faith for globalists and many economists and business leaders is that globalisation and the competition it engendered led to greater innovation and making products affordable, and the fast economic growth helped millions out of poverty.
What would happen to these if barriers began to show up again?
The Covid-19 crisis has exposed the weak points of globalisation and it may be time to re-evaluate it, if it had gone too far too soon, and where nations situate themselves ideologically, as much as economically.
(The writer is a New York-based journalist, Non-Resident Senior Fellow of the SPS and can be contacted at and followed on Twitter @arulouis)
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