Venu Naturopathy


Sri Lankan Human Rights Commission requests IGP to provide details of persons detained under PTA

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has written to the Inspector General of Police requesting the police chief to urgently provide the details of persons detained under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) to the Commission

Nov 25, 2020

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has written to the Inspector General of Police requesting the police chief to urgently provide the details of persons detained under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) to the Commission.

“As you are aware, under Section 11(d)of the HRCSL Act No. 21 of 1996 requires the Commission to continuously monitor the conditions of persons in custody,” the Commission reminded referring to a previously letter of 28 October sent to the IGP requesting the details.

“As mentioned to you during our meeting with the National Police Commission, many detainees have complained of pressure in relation to self-incriminating statements. These include frequent trips to police headquarters where pre-prepared statements are proffered to detainees in Sinhala for their signature, inducements such as promises of release if statements are signed and threats such as charges based on falsehoods if they are not signed,” the HRCSL recalled.

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