Tridivesh Singh Maini

Tridivesh Singh Maini

About Tridivesh Singh Maini

More From Tridivesh Singh Maini

A Middle East Quad? Scope for synergies, but divergences over Iran

Within the new Middle East/West Asia Quad, there is space for trilateral economic cooperation between India, the UAE and Israel

India should team up with friendly countries to stay relevant in Afghanistan

India’s approach towards Afghanistan should be dictated by its economic and strategic interests and it needs to judge the Taliban by its actions while being flexible enough to leave room for numerous divergences, writes Tridivesh Singh Maini for South Asia Monitor

An alternative to China’s BRI? But G7’s B3W needs backing of big business, US allies

Several BRI-related projects in developing countries in Asia and Africa have drawn criticism for lacking transparency, and not being economically sustainable, leading to debts that make countries dependent upon China or leads to a 'debt Trap', writes Tridivesh Singh Maini for South Asia Monitor

GCC countries projecting soft power through cricket: South Asian cricketers have vital role to play

If GCC countries other than UAE -- like Saudi Arabia and Oman  -- can emerge as important cricketing venues, their soft power appeal is likely to further get strengthened, especially vis-à-vis South Asia, writes Tridivesh Singh Maini for South Asia Monitor