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Prof (Dr.) Vesselin Popovski, Prof Abhinav Mehrotra and Surabhi Bhandari

Prof (Dr.) Vesselin Popovski, Prof Abhinav Mehrotra and Surabhi Bhandari

About Prof (Dr.) Vesselin Popovski, Prof Abhinav Mehrotra and Surabhi Bhandari

More From Prof (Dr.) Vesselin Popovski, Prof Abhinav Mehrotra and Surabhi Bhandari

Why India should reconsider its ties with Russia

But even if we put the moral aspect aside and try to be pragmatic, to regard Russia as a future strategic partner is also wrong. It will not bring any benefit - economic or military – to India, write Prof (Dr) Vesselin Popovski, Prof Abhinav Mehrotra and Surabhi Bhandari for South Asia Monitor

Why India should reconsider its ties with Russia

To expect that in a possible future armed conflict with a neighbor, India can rely on the Russian army is lunacy. The Russian army itself demonstrated in Ukraine what actually it represents, write Prof (Dr) Vesselin Popovski, Prof Abhinav Mehrotra and Surabhi Bhandari for South Asia Monitor